
Monday, December 15, 2008

I know I have been very slack in posting lately. I have been having a rough go of it. For whatever reason, I am more tired now than I was right after surgery! Last Thursday, I even felt like I had the flu! I woke up feeling pukey and ached ALL over. Still not 100%, but getting there I guess. I received a beautiful necklace from Dana Marie as a Spirit Jumper gift. I love it. I grabbed my cell n took a picture to send to some people. I feel honored to receive such a special and heartfelt gift. It really warmed me up.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wow, it's been a while! I have really been doing too much lately. My hard head showing thru. My sweetest former neighbor whom I miss dearly brought us some yummy lasagna and bread for dinner Wednesday. What a help. It was Brook's first night back to work, and I really wasnt in the mood to cook. I got some Christmas shopping done Friday, boy that was tiring. Saturday DD1 had a performance at the mall for her Step Club, and today she is going to be in the Mechanicsville Christmas Parade today. I am very excited. We go every year and always have a good time. This year will just be even better! I just hope I can make it through it all without overdoing it. Maybe I will even figure out a way to add a picture to the next post! TTFN