
Thursday, November 13, 2008

I GOT THE CALL! My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, November 26th. Thats right, the day before Thanksgiving. I guess that means I dont have to cook! My sister is doing some work for a lawyer, and she called me today and told me that this lawyer (Nancy) has offered to draw up a living will and power of attorney for me Pro Bono! I am very happy about this. I know it's a "routine" procedure, and everything will be fine, but in reality you just never know. The last thing I want is something to happen to me and my oldest DD have to go live with her sperm donor. That would ruin her. I need to get papers drawn up and have him sign away his rights (his idea!). Maybe I can discuss this with Nancy when I go see her next week! X ur fingers. I am very excited to get this done and over with, yet more and more scared as the day draws closer. We sat DD1 down last night and explained most of whats going on, and she took it really well. I asked her again this morning if she had any questions, and she said not yet, so we will see. Gotta go fix dinner. Hopefully more tomorrow.! Dont forget to check out, a blog I follow. Very good stuff there, most useful info!